Debate “Shoulder to shoulder: German-Polish cooperation within the EU concerning Eastern Europe after the European election”

Austausch e.V. took part in panel debate “Shoulder to shoulder: German-Polish cooperation within the EU concerning Eastern Europe after the European election”. Moderated by: Agata Gontarczyk, Head of the Europe and International Politics at the Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw. 


  • Rolf Nikel, former Ambassador, Vice President of the German Council on Foreign Relations, Vice President of the German Poland Institute 
  • Justyna Gotkowska, Deputy Director at the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) and Head of the Security and Defence Department 
  • Piotr Buras, Head, ECFR Warsaw, Senior Policy Fellow specializing in Germany’s EU and foreign policy, Poland in the EU and EU politics 
  •  Susan Stewart, Researcher at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) 

The European Parliament elections have reshaped the political landscape, affecting Germany-Poland dynamics. Their cooperation is crucial for Eastern Europe, and new election perspectives require strategy adjustments. Poland’s strategic location and historical ties are key in shaping the EU’s eastern approach.

 Germany and Poland have combined their economic and logistical strengths to provide significant aid and military support to Ukraine. 

Diverging Views: Differences in domestic politics and history can lead to policy disagreements. Continuous dialogue between Germany and Poland is crucial to bridge these gaps and present a united front. 

EU Cohesion: Both countries must work together to maintain EU cohesion, addressing immediate challenges like the Ukraine war and developing long-term strategies for Eastern Europe’s stability and security. 

This event is organized by the Warsaw office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Austausch e.V., and the College of Eastern Europe in collaboration with the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation. 

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