How to Feed Birds Properly: An Ecological Initiative in the Dniester Landscape Park (Ukraine)

Feeding birds is not only an act of care but also a responsibility. The wrong choice of food or improper feeding habits can harm our feathered friends. That’s why participants of two excursions to the Dniester Landscape Park, organized by Drukarnya in collaboration with the Veteran Center “New Wings,” took part in a unique event dedicated to responsible bird feeding. Around 40 people, including children, teenagers, families, and veterans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, joined these trips.

Together with Tetiana Mykytin, an environmental education specialist, participants learned which foods are safe for birds and which are strictly forbidden. They also received valuable information on the optimal timing and quantity of food to ensure their help does not become a threat to the birds’ health.

Feeding birds is essential, especially during frost and snowfall, when they struggle to find enough food. However, experts advise against feeding them during warm seasons to prevent laziness and dependency on human-provided food.

Environmental education did not stop at the lecture. During a special quiz led by Iryna Dmytrash-Vatseba, a conservationist from the Dniester Landscape Park, participants reinforced their knowledge about local birds, their habits, and behavioral traits.

The practical part of the event was just as engaging. Participants made bird feeders with their own hands and then traveled to the picturesque village of Nezvysko, located within the Dniester Landscape Park. There, they placed the treats in bird habitats to help them survive the cold season.

The Tysmenytsia Central Children’s Library and the Resilience Center also joined the project. Together with young readers, they created bird feeders for the birds of Tysmenytsia.

This event was a wonderful opportunity for both adults and children to gain useful knowledge and contribute to nature conservation in a real and meaningful way. We sincerely thank everyone who participated in this ecological project!

The event was organized as part of the EkoNet project with financial support from Brot für die Welt and Austausch.

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