Discussion “Feminist perspective on Belarus 2020-2023”

In Belarus, the illegitimate regime under Lukashenko, now in its fourth year following the nationwide protests of 2020, continues to aim to suppress Belarusian civil society, all forms of activism, and any expression of free speech by any means necessary. Nevertheless, the struggle for civil rights and a democratic future persists not only within the country but also in the exile countries of Belarusians – in Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Georgia, Ukraine, and many others.

On October 27, experts from the FemGroup of the Coordination Council (established by democratic forces after the 2020 presidential elections to overcome the political crisis) will convene in Berlin to discuss the current situation in Belarus – including repression, the democracy movement, and activism in exile, the rights of Belarusians, and the feminist movement.


  • Olga Shparaga – Philosopher, Guest Researcher at the Institute for Human Rights in Vienna, Author of the book “The Revolution Has a Female Face: The Case of Belarus” Der Fall Belarus”
  • Stanislava Tsiarentsyeva – Civil rights activist, Member of the Belarusian National Youth Council RADA, Head of the projects “Ne_odnoj” and “Napryamok”
  • Alina Kharysava – Political Scientist, Founder of the initiative “Yana/Joj” (“She/Her”), Representative of the Belarusian Diaspora in Bavaria
  • Natallia Vasilevich – Theologian, Member of the group “Christian Vision”


  • Jana Paliashchuk – Coordinator of the FemMoz project, Media expert, Activist

Discussion in Russian with simultaneous translation into German.

Registration is requested (not required) here.

The FemMoz project – Empowerment for women in and from Belarus is funded by the Federal Foreign Office.

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