Support us

Your support enables our commitment to strong civil societies in Germany, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region and Central Asia. Private donors are the foundation on which we can realize projects together with our partners and stay independent in our actions. Help us and become part of the vision of a free and democratic world!

Austausch e.V.
Kontonummer 3318100
IBAN DE87370205000003318100
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG

One time donation

You appreciate our work and would like to support us financially? Then use the following form to make a donation to us.

If you wish to receive a donation receipt for tax deduction purposes, you have to enter your address below. We will then send you a corresponding receipt in March of the following year.


As a member organization, our work is significantly supported by our members and volunteers, who engage with us both within the framework of our projects and through their own initiatives.

The annual membership fee is currently at least 60 euros, with a reduced rate of 30 euros for students or individuals with low income. According to our statute, the board decides on the admission of new members. Withdrawal from Austausch is possible at the end of each calendar year.

If you share our commitment to building a strong civil society, we warmly invite you to become part of Austausch.

To help us make the process easier, please provide us with a brief description of your motivation to become a member of Austausch.
The minimum contribution is 60 euros per year, or 30 euros for students, retirees, and low-income earners.
We will automatically provide you with a donation receipt for tax purposes every March of the following year.

The annual membership fee is debited at the beginning of each year. Alternatively, the annual fee can be transferred to the specified bank account by January 31.

Sponsoring Membership

Unpredictable finances complicate our work, but times of crisis like these sometimes require bold and swift action. With a supporting membership, you make a significant contribution to enabling us to focus more on what matters most: strengthening civil societies and supporting them in times of hardship.

The Sponsoring Membership is a regular support with a contribution in an amount freely chosen by you. The supporting membership can be terminated at any time without giving reasons.

We will automatically provide you with a donation receipt for tax purposes every March of the following year.

The annual contribution is debited at the beginning of each year. Alternatively, the annual fee can be transferred to the specified bank account by January 31.

Project Donors

In addition to our members and private donors, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our project sponsors for their financial support, which makes our work possible within the framework of various projects.