
Strengthening a cross-border NGO network for the protection of climate and the environment

Ekonet connects four environmental organizations from Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan with the aim of strengthening socio-ecological transformation processes in the participating countries. The project focuses on two highly relevant topics for the region: the green reconstruction of war-torn Ukraine and the national and international networking of environmental activists. As part of the project, measures are offered for local environmental activists, and two analytical position papers are drafted on the role of civil society in the reconstruction process of Ukraine and on the state of the ecology movement in Kyrgyzstan. Additionally, a visit by Kyrgyz environmental activists to Germany is planned.

Both Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan are experiencing an exacerbation of the ecological crisis. However, the governments in both countries are responding inadequately to the associated challenges, and consistent political measures towards an ecological transformation of societies and mitigating the consequences for the most vulnerable segments of the population are largely absent. Therefore, the ecology movement in both countries is calling for concrete environmental policy steps. Through planned measures in the project to promote exchange and networking at the regional, national, and supranational levels, impulses are intended to be provided for green reconstruction and an ecological transformation process that can be further pursued by civil society, political, economic, and scientific actors in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.

The Ukrainian project partners are therefore focusing their work on two aspects: monitoring the impact of the war on the environment and measures to shape green reconstruction in Ukraine. The former ensures an accurate inventory in regions heavily affected by hostilities and enables the identification of priorities for a sustainable and socially oriented reconstruction program. Since state authorities are unable to adequately address this, it is mainly eco-activists and non-governmental organizations that take on these tasks. The ongoing destruction of infrastructure as a result of the war necessitates a reconstruction program. Through educational and informational events, key stakeholders (eco-activists, engaged citizens, representatives of local administrations) are empowered in their expertise. This expands the scope of action of civil society to actively shape green reconstruction, especially at the local level, and strengthens state representatives and institutions in their ability to actively participate in the transformation.




Felix Jaitner

Head of Climate and Environment Division
Tel. +49 30 446 68 00, [email protected]


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