Photo of the International Conference "Turning Points in Central Asia" 2023 in Almaty Kazakhstan

Declaration of the International Conference “Turning Points in Eurasia”

Am 28. und 29. August 2023 richteten wir in Almaty (Kasachstan) zusammen mit dem Kasachischen Büro für Menschenrechte und Rechtstaatlichkeit (KBIHR), Kadyr Kasiet (ebenfalls Kasachstan) sowie Bir Duino (Kirgisistan) die internationale Konferenz „Turning Points in Eurasia“ aus. It was the largest international regional conference on Central Asia since 1994.

The key outcomes are as follows:

  • Central Asian countries should be considered as part of an expanded concept of European security and cooperation. Central Asia is the only region in the world without access to the sea. Therefore, the prospects for economic development depend on geopolitical factors such as China and Russia’s respective policies, as well as the political situation and security conditions in countries like Afghanistan.
  • The situation of independent civil society is characterized by restrictions and pressure from governments throughout the region. Even Kyrgyzstan, which has been an island of civil rights in recent years, is experiencing a serious authoritarian regression. At the same time, a strong civil society plays a crucial role in the fight against corruption, strengthening the rule of law, and pursuing an inclusive path to modernization.
  • Continuous and targeted support for the activities of civil societies in Central Asia is an important component in strengthening relations between Central Asian societies and the rest of the world. Recommendations on key issues of civil society activities are included in the following part of the statement.

The entire declaration with recommendations on individual topics can be downloaded here:

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